Thursday, February 12, 2009

Sage Words Of Advice

My friend Matthew studies homeopathy and I asked him for suggestions for anything to help minimize swelling and help with healing. He listed a bunch of fruits, which I broke down to just pineapple juice, to help swelling. When I used to make skate videos for international beverage companies, all the poor, uninsured skaters would drink tons of pineapple juice to help minimize swelling, bruising and sprains. He also suggested going to Teavana and getting a mix of roobois and marigold tea to promote healing. I felt like an asshole when I said roy-boy to a co-worker of mine and she indirectly corrected me.

Last night, Mike and I went to Tangierino in Charlestown (which is quite lovely) to celebrate the relaunch of Stuff (formerly Stuff @ Night), which I styled the cover story. Hung out with some of my favorite girls in town and Mike looked like a total stud, surrounded by a ton of beautiful women and my other boyfriend, Sam. A friend of a friend, the daughter of a dentist, made some recommendations that included frozen chips of chicken broth for protein and frozen vegetables in a knee sock to tie around my head. That brought on great laughter and everyone dying to see me with a sock tied around my head.

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