Friday, February 13, 2009

All Gone!

After being overly dramatic for the past few weeks, the surgery was a piece of cake. There was enough anxiety going on thanks to shit insurance, but thanks to the laughing gas, I had a blast. I freaked a bit when I went into the operating room. The nurse hooked me up to heart monitors, which made me focus on staying calm. I got my heart to stop racing at 96BPM to an average of 74. It immediately jumped when the surgeon's assistant (it's a teaching hospital, so I'm assuming he's fresh out of dental school), couldn't find the right button to turn on the monitor hooked to my finger. 

I realized that they were playing Justin Timberlake in the operating room as they began to gas me. I found this quietly hilarious and really, really odd. Then the surgeon came in, just in time, because the other dude (who had nice glasses but seemed more nervous than me) was about to do my IV. The IV is what has been freaking me out the most, probably just because I've never had one before. The surgeon told me it would feel like a mosquito bite, in which I replied he was a liar. He said this was the worst thing I'd feel, I tried not to giggle and then told everyone good luck and that I'll see them later. 

Next thing I know, Mike is sitting in front of me, trying not to laugh. Probably because I had zero clue of what was going on. He called my folks and I was under the impression that I was really funny, although I couldn't see myself. This is what I looked like:

The surgery lasted a little more than a half hour. It took about 15 minutes to come to and was out of there in about another 20 minutes. 

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