Me: I have to get adult braces.
Mom: Duh, you knew that.
Me: Noooo, I was under the assumption that I was getting off easy with Invisalign. I'm going to have to get braces for 2 years. Why didn't you make me get braces in high school?
Mom: You didn't want them. And when we looked into it when you were younger (12ish), not all your teeth were in yet.
Me: You should have said to me, "You don't want braces when you're 30, do you"?
Mom: You won't have braces when you're 30, Liana.
Me: But I will until I'm 28/29, so what's the difference.
Mom: 28 and 29 are not 30.
Me: Still...
High school would have been pretty sucky if I did have braces. And please don't interpret this convo with my mother as her being bitchy because I was being a total brat and she was quite funny throughout the whole thing. I even may have started crying when I was talking to her.
The next thing I do is call the boyfriend, seeing that this is his investment. Our conversation pretty much goes the same exact way as the one with my mother but he has a much more boisterous laugh. I head straight to Newbury St to do some work before I go back to the other dentist for my onlay. I dragged my feet the entire way until I bought what I justified as my birthday dress (pics to come when it's my bday). I shouldn't have because the deposit for my onlay cost just as much as the dress and I had to put that on my AmEx as well. Live now, pay later.
I stop by work #3 and before I say a word, A comes up to me, hugs me and says, "I heard the news, I'm so sorry" as if someone died. It was extremely sweet. At some point before I leave, she tells me that my boyfriend asked his PR girls (who he had a meeting with that morning) if they could send out a press release announcing that I am getting adult braces. He was clearly excited because if I hadn't told someone myself in the kitchen, they already knew. Jeff the chef suggested that I chew all the gum and eat all the Doritos as humanly possible before I get them put on. No one had anything nice to say about their experience with braces.
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