Wednesday, January 7, 2009


They're prying teeth out of my jaw in about 4 weeks now, but of course I forgot to tell that to anyone who really needed to know, i.e. the ortho. As if there wasn't enough going on on New Year's Eve Day (along with the anticipation of what became a glorious and epic night), I get a random phone call from the lovely office manager at the ortho. She thought that I had gone for surgery the day I went for the consultation and wanted to get me in asap to get spacers for the premolars that are peacing out. 

Sidebar: My tongue immediately went to my top right teeth (opposite of the evil tooth), where I had a spacer (to prevent evil teeth) when I had my baby teeth pulled when I was little. I had it for some time, what felt like eternity because I must've been 8-ish. All I can remember is that it was loose and I would jiggle it all day. Doubt that any (I'm getting 4, I believe) will have time to get loose this round. I wonder if this was added in to the estimated overall cost the ortho gave me (doubt it). I'm going to drive myself mad with all these holes in my mouth.

Ah, back to my point. The dates have been set! Spacers go in February 24th. And instead of going to Chicago for my dear, dear friend Caroline's birthday, which is March 3rd, I will be in the ortho's chair for 3 hours getting braces. Mike's reaction: "Finally!" Mine: I cannot believe I'm really going through with this.

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